The Call from Niger


Paradoxically, Niger, a small landlocked country in the western Sahara region of Africa celebrated its 'independence' day on August 3, 2023. A country which although got independence from France in 1960 is now only a pawn in the hand of the French Republic (France still has a garrison of 1,500 troops in Niger and an air force base servicing fighter jets and attack drones. All of this is a forceful reminder that, despite a long and bloody period of decolonisation, France has retained a quasi-empire in Africa by stealth, and it is under threat like never before: The Guardian) France also heavily depends on energy supplies from its African backyard if not a colony. Sadly the ill fate Niger has the 7th Largest uranium deposits.

 It is a 2-way deal for France and Niger, where Niger's corrupt politicians are paid through the arms deal and these puppet leaders ignore democracy at their best. Assistance and grants are on paper but in reality, Niger remains one of the poorest countries not only in Africa but also in the whole world.

What's astounding is that 78% of Coup in  Africa since 1990 are in franco-phone states indicating the legacy of French colonialism. What French colonialism is different from British colonialism is its too much political and economic interference after de-colonialization. (it is, therefore, easy to understand why one Nigerien told the BBC: "Since childhood, I've been opposed to France… They've exploited all the riches of my country such as uranium, petrol and gold." : BBC) 

Discussing all the points and neglecting Russia'a involvement in these conflicts will keep us in the dark and will not help us to explore all actors involved in the crisis in Niger. In the pro-Junta march, people are seen carrying Russian Flags. The Wagner group of Russia according to Prof Harsh Pant may have had a role in Niger. It is also looking for expanding its presence in Africa, which already has a considerable presence in Mali. This also points to the fact that how Russia can be a reason for causing global instability.

Hence under these circumstances, we need to understand the recent coup in Niger. Where the country's presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum and presidential guard commander General Abdourahamane Tchiani proclaimed himself the leader of a new military junta.

The conflict in Niger may not be an isolated one but will have major global repercussions. Firstly it is important to know that the West and Niger are fighting against Islamic jihadists and hence the coup in Niger will directly alter the Western efforts in fighting against Islamic extremists. It will also affect the energy supply of the EU and especially France. The coup can also emerge as a point of a proxy war between Russia and the West( Burkina Faso and Mali released a joint statement and further stating “all military intervention against Niger will be considered equivalent to a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali”

It is imperative for all the stakeholders involved to sit together and solve the emerging crisis in Niger through talks and deliberation. It is also expected from ECOWAS to solve the Niger crisis more pragmatically. In all these crises it is the civilians who suffer the most and hence steps should be taken with respect to this consideration.




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