India-Papua New Guinea Relation and the growing Chinese Proximity.

The Strategic Importance of Papua New Guinea

Though a small nation, Papua New Guinea is a Bridge between Asia and the Pacific.
It lies between the area of the Pacific rim and Southeast Asia making it very important on the basis of its location strategically and economically. 

With this, the country is also mineral rich exporting mainly “coffee, gold, oil, cocoa, vegetable oils, fish, copper and wood  fuel and  rice, vehicles, heavy machinery, meat, iron and steel, and other furnished goods” and running in trade surplus with its partners 

China's Influence

China has been steadily investing in the country and has invested in various sectors like mining, communication, technology, networking and others. 
China has also tried to lure the country with its soft power initiatives which include the development of the Integrated Government Information Network, the construction of the student dormitories project at the University of Garoka, medical aid and others. 
Chinese state-owned China Construction Steel Structure Corporation, the largest construction company in the world has constructed Butuka Academy in PNG's capital, Port Moresby which is considered as a step forward in the cooperative direction as the country lacks good educational institutions in the country. 
The development and expansion of China’s soft power were also welcomed by the local groups. China sees Papua New Guinea as an essential location for its aspiring Belt and Road initiative in the Pacifics. China also has major stake in Ramu- Nickel cobalt mine in PNG worth $2 Billion and Porgera Gold mine.

 India's Role in stabilizing relations

India and Papua New Guinea have formalized diplomatic relations since 19 May 1976. India opened its High Commission in Port Moresby in April 1996. 
Relations with PNG are crucial for India, both countries share the same interest in organisations in U.N. and working closely in international fora. 

Papua New Guinea is important for India in crucial ways
As PNG is a resource-rich region, especially in terms of Energy it is crucial for India for expanding its energy and mineral resources.
Both countries also share strong cultural-economic and strategic relations with each other. India also offers a huge market for a country like PNG which is an export-driven country.

Key Takeaways from the Recent Visit of India to Papua New Guinea 

  1. Holding the 3rd summit of  Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC), a grouping of India and 14 Pacific Island countries. 
  2. Advocating India's ideas of ensuring a free and open Indo Pacific
  3. This is also clear from the statement of PM Narendra Modi that countries in the region are “large ocean countries and not small island states”. 
  4. And most importantly India's commitment to balance China's outreach in the region.

With input from FirstPost and Cesube



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