The Sino-Russia Nexus: Friendship with no Limits ?

 "There are changes happening, the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years,” said Xi Jinping to his Russian counterpart. " Let's dive into those changes together" and in the same tone Putin replied, "I agree". 

Recently, Xi Jinping was on a 3 days high-profile visit to Moscow. The visit was the first of its kind after the declaration of 'special military operations' by Russia against Ukraine. When in the present scenario Russia is feeling more and more isolated in the global arena because of its endeavours in Ukraine, the visit by Xi Jinping is a shot in the arm for Putin and his country. The meeting culminated in dozen agreements aimed to build cooperation in trade and technology. The most important agreement of them was the "Pre 2030 developmental plan" in which the two sides agreed to uphold the “principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit” and “...maintain the momentum of the rapid growth of bilateral trade in goods and services, and commit to significantly increase bilateral trade volume by 2030”.  The meeting was a direct message to the U.S. that its hegemony will be challenged and the rise of China is inevitable.

Although now only a junior partner, Russia holds importance for China 
in many ways. The purchase of Russian advanced military weapons and swift access to Russian scientific talent is on the list of China's interest to name a few.  Under Western sanctions, Xi Jinping has found business opportunities in RussiaIn the present times, Moscow is a major source of Hydrocarbons as well as a market for China's manufacturing sector. Most importantly China sees Russia as an ally in the opposition to the liberal world order led by the U.S. and the European countries. 

This visit will have direct implications for a country like India. India, for a long time believed in the principle of strategic autonomy and the most important of that, is to maintain good relations with Russia. Russia's proximity to China will definitely test India's skill of persuasion with its old friend. Another challenge is the upcoming G-20 presidency of India. The success of the G20 Presidency of India will depend on the outcome document, which needs the cooperation of both Moscow and Beijing.

This strategic alliance has raised concerns for India, which has historically maintained a balance between these two nations. As both Russia and China continue to assert their influence globally, it remains to be seen how this partnership will impact the geopolitical landscape in the years to come.




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