An Analysis of Senkaku Island Dispute between Japan and China


Answering the 3 Ws ( Why, Where and What)

Why In the News?

On Friday Japan claimed the forced intrusion of two of China's Coast Guard Vessels(CCG) into the territorial water near the disputed Senakaku Island in the East China Sea known as the Diaoyudao Islands to China. This is not the first time when this has happened since 2012.

Where in the Globe?

The Senkaku Islands are located in the East China Sea between Japan, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of China (Taiwan). The archipelago contains five uninhabited islands and three barren rocks, ranging in size from 800 m2 to 4.32 km2.(refer the fig1)

What is the confrontation all about?

It is a direct confrontation between 3 nations that are China, Japan and Taiwan. Which is known as Daioyo in China, Senakaku in Japan and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan.
The confrontation is all about control over the resources of the island and the maritime area in and around it, which further offers control over the East China Sea.

The Japanese claim on the Island.

After World War II, Japan renounced claims to a number of territories and islands including Taiwan in the 1951 Treaty of San Francisco. But under the treaty, the Nansei Shoto islands came under USA trusteeship and were then returned to Japan in 1971. Japan says that the Senkaku islands are part of the Nansei Shoto islands and hence they also belong to Japan.(reference:

China's claim

 China began to reassert claims over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the 1970s, citing historic rights to the area. However, Japan does not recognise Chinese claims.

Strategic Importance of Senkaku Islands 

1) Rich fishing grounds
2) Important shipping lanes
3) Presence of oil deposits

 Way Forward 

All the countries should restrain to the status quo and the problem should not be escalated further as it may become a direct confrontation point between China and Japan backed by the U.S-Japan treaty of mutual cooperation and security.




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